well befor i new it it was cristmas eve...so i did me cristmas Trayble reddy for me Pot Noeldle...saved me lowds of time...no dishes either i saved the pot as a wine glass...i cud write top tips for have a rest magazine cudn't i... i'd definitly get one agen for next cristmas day...
i didn't get many presents but the guyz from me shop clubbed together an got me a cassette of me favrit singer an selebritee...i luv her so much...av a look down below...i did get very Twunted yesterday an woke up wiv an emptee box of roses in me bed...don't remember eatin them...looked like i'd shit the bed...just catchin up on all the cristmas tv i sky plussed its easier to watch wiv 2 eyes wen yer sober...i'm havin a snowball made wiv Aldi own brand avocardo...reminds me of cristmasses wen i woz yung an me dad wud leave me wiv the bottle wile he went out in his muther cristmas outfit down the pub... rite...i'm off have a grate crimbo...i'll leave yerz wiv a pic of me present an i'll sign off wiv me cristmas powem for yerz all...laterz...
Bevs Cristmas powem